Friday, January 18, 2013

My New Year Promise - 13 in 2013

So in 2013, I, Shannon Burke, will compete in 13 races between the dates of January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013.

This all started when I was thinking about what I should claim as my NYR...but have since changed it to a New Year Promise. The original idea was to run a race each month of the new year. But then I started thinking about how much I love the concept of a baker's dozen and so 13 races in 2013. When I got the fitbit in July of this year, I realized that I love the daily goal of 10,000 steps and get psyched when I beat that goal. Then when I signed up for the turkey trot in my neighborhood at Thanksgiving, I realized that walking 1 mile to the start, running a 5K, and walking home gave me almost 10,000 steps before 9:00 a.m. = awesome! So as a new long term challenge for the year, I've decided to participate in 13 races throughout the year. I invite anyone and everyone to join me for a race or all 13. I'll keep this blog up to date as a figure out the schedule and invite other suggestions too.

So far this is my plan:
January 15, 2013 - PCMA 5K Fun Run/Walk = DONE!
This was really fun (and 7 PCMA's in the making, since I've signed up each year and slept through). The race does not appear to have been timed, but I'll update if I find one.

February 10, 2013 - Pacers Love the Run You're With 5K
I did this one last year and have a love hate relationship with the hill, but generally not a bad course.

March - TBD

April 21, 2013 - The Parkway Classic 5K
There is also a 10 miler, and while I want to increase the mileage, that might be a bit much for me.

May 4, 2013 - The Hero Rush
This is an obstacle course themed around firefighter challenges. It's supposedly not as muddy as the mudruns I did in 2011, but still a big challenge and a lot of fun!
Join my team "Team Chiefy" and use this code: TEAM15 for 15% off., then click on Register Now.

June - TBD

July - TBD

August - TBD

September - TBD
I'm hoping to do the biathalon again for Potomac River Runners, but not sure of the date yet.

October - TBD

November - TBD

December - TBD

Baker's Dozen - TBD

I hope that my telling everyone what my goals are that you'll all keep me honest and help me get this done!
